Monday 17 January 2011

KONAD - Cute Nail Designs

So first of all, make sure your nails have some TLC. I mean, trim them, file them and rub some cuticle oil around the skin.

You want to paint your nails with a thick nail polish.. I've chosen this colour from Nails Inc. Its called Jermyn Street. I always put two coats on otherwise it will look streaky.

This is everything you will need to do the effective nail patterns! Special KONAD nail polish, a nail design plate, a stamper and a scraper! You can buy these items from Make sure you put down some tissue or flannel first.

You want to place a small but generous amount of polish on the area of your pattern. Make sure to dap the polish brush onto your pattern so you don't miss any spots.

The next few steps you must do really quickly, otherwise it wont work. Place your scraper on the design plate, at a 45 degree angle. Then quickly wipe away the excess special nail polish.

Your plate should look something like this. Can you see where the white special nail polish has sunk into the butterfly pattern?

Quickly grab your stamper, and press as hard as you can onto your chosen pattern. Once you are pressing firmly, you might want to try and move the stamper side to side, just incase it doesnt pick up the whole pattern.

Once you have followed each step, properly with practise, it should look something like this. Remember this takes time to get right.. the first time i tried it, no pattern was on the stamper at all! LOL

For this specific nail design, i only want the smaller butterfly to be placed on the corner of my nail. So i removed the part that i didn't want. This depends completely on what design you want on your nails.

Decide where you want the pattern on your nail, then steadily place the stamper onto your nail and move from one side to the other. This technique should place the pattern on your nail evenly.

Then your nail should look something along the lines of this! Makes sure every time you want to start a new nail, remove the excess special nail polish off the image plate with nail varnish remover and a earbud!

Thanks for reading my post, i really hope this helped you to achieve professional looking nails like i have :)

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